What to wear

  • Discuss appropriate attire for the areas you will visit. On site, be willing to tell students if they are not dressed appropriately for a scheduled activity or if their clothes might be seen as offensive in that culture. You should warn them at a pre-departure meeting that you are prepared to do so. What will be the consequence if a student shows up dressed inappropriately?
  • Avoid shirts with slogans and symbols that mark you as American. In some areas this may make you a target.
  • Comfortable shoes are a must! You may wish to bring two pair (wear one) in case one pair gets wet.
  • Give students a suggested packing list or give them information on websites that may provide such a list.
  • Students may not realize they may have to wear some clothes more than once. Laundry facilities may not be available or may be expensive to use. They can bring supplies to wash lighter items in bathroom sinks or showers.