Health insurance

Students and faculty should have health insurance for emergencies when traveling. U.S. based health insurance policies may not cover students and faculty in other countries. Students and faculty should determine what is covered and what is not covered while out of the country.

Some companies specialize in health insurance for travelers. When considering a company, the following are areas you may want to consider:

  • What is the cost per person?
  • When does the coverage begin and end?
  • What is the coverage for accidental death and dismemberment?
  • What are the covered medical expenses?
  • Does the insurance cover an emergency medical evacuation?
  • Does the insurance cover bringing a person’s body home in case of death?
  • What will be the out of pocket costs for deductibles and what is the extend of the coverage?
  • What other coverage is available (e.g., emergency dental, bringing a family member to the country in case of extended hospital stays, or helping the insured get home in case of a family death at home)?
  • Are there any exclusions in the policies?